Saturday, August 22, 2015

Turning Drainers Into Gainers

Wouldn't it be frustrating to refuel your vehicle's gasoline tank, only to discover that you have a leak in the gas tank or line and are losing what you put into it?  This is in essence the effect that energy drainers have on our "energy tanks".

We can have points in our lives that give us energy, but if the drainers are significant enough, they will quickly siphon our energy tanks.
Keep reading for practical steps and encouragement to turn your energy drainers into energy gainers!  Good for you and good for your conscientious green business!
 Turning Energy Drainers into Gainers:

Step One:  Identify the drainers!  
Assess your day/week.  When (time of day) do you become drained?  What is the situation surrounding the drain?  How much energy do you lose from that drain? 

Step Two:  Stop the leak!
Which drainers could you eliminate completely?  Which drainers could you minimize?

Step Three:  Take Action!
How will you go about making the changes?  Be realistic.  Set the right goals and follow through!

The risks of not identifying and taking action to stop energy drainers will catch up to you and take their toll of you!  The effects will leak onto your business, personal and family life if you do not take an honest inventory of your energy levels and make the necessary changes!

If you are saying right now, "I don't have the time!" --you have just identified your first drainer! 

More than likely there are one or two things in your day or week that give you energy--"Gainers."
The more energy gainers you have, the better all around you will be and your business too! 
You are in a green business and use all-natural, Brightly Green Concentrates because of your commitment to the health of the environment and the people in it, so don't overlook your own personal well-being! 
Turn those drainers into energy gainers for a healthier and more productive you!

Much success to you!

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