Friday, September 22, 2017

Sprint Green Cleaning May be Just What You Need!

Do you struggle maintaining a green clean home?  Have you tried to follow a cleaning routine but still can’t seem to stick with it?  Maybe a schedule does not fit within the parameters of your family dynamic.

Perhaps sprint green cleaning is a method that would work best for you. 

WHAT is sprint green cleaning?
It is cleaning in bite-sized portions within the natural rhythms of daily life.

WHO needs sprint green cleaning?
Families with busy schedules.
Parents with infants and preschoolers.
Anyone who struggles with structuring & implementing a clean & tidy home.

HOW do I sprint green clean?
Cleaning sprints are done in 5 to 10 minute intervals between activities in your daily life.
(Most can be done in 5 minutes or less!)

WAKE and MAKE!  Begin by making your bed. 
A made-up bed will be a welcoming gift whether your day went as planned or not.  A made-up bed day says… “it’s ok, you got one thing completed—you made the bed and there is always tomorrow.”

You will be amazed to see how much you can accomplish in just five minutes!   

Examples include:  vacuum one room/clean one sink/clean one tub-shower/dust one bedroom/throw one load of laundry in the washer/fold one load of laundry…

These five-minute cleaning sprints can work for kid’s chores too!  You can make it a race and set a timer—this will especially resonate with your sons!

Sprint clean right where you stand!  What can you green clean in five minutes in the room you are in?

In the kitchen: While cooking clean out one kitchen drawer as a dish is simmering on the stove.  Wipe down stainless steel appliances while the chicken is sautéing.  Wash up dishes as you go!

In the toddler’s bedroom:  While he/she is playing with toys dust the crib/toddler bed/fold the laundry.

In the fitness room/space:  Before a workout, green clean windows for a fresh view outdoors while you exercise.
…you get the picture!

Use a timer.  Timers are great additional helps to keep us free from distractions.   Should a task require more time than five minutes, a timer could be an especially helpful tool for staying on task.

Set your phone down!  Remember, you just have five minutes to get your task done, so don’t let your phone eat into those five minutes!


Pick up after yourself!! Let me say it again, Pick you after yourself!!  It is hard to quickly green clean surfaces that are covered in clutter.
Remember this motto: “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

Laundry overwhelm??  Do the 2/5 laundry plan: 
2 loads daily/5 days a week.

A personal tip:  My children have been doing their own laundry since they could touch the bottom of the washing machine while standing on the floor (not on a step stool). 
This WILL SAVE YOUR SANITY!!  Believe me!!

You know we ALWAYS have our safe, non-toxic cleaners when you need them!  Keep tabs on your supply and don’t wait until the last minute to order more.

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