One of my family’s favorite movies is “Groundhog Day.” The journey of discovery the character, Bob Wiley (played by Bill Murray) goes through in coming to terms with his predicament could be pulled right out of classical psychology books!
One of my family’s favorite movies is “Groundhog Day.” The journey of discovery the character, Bob Wiley (played by Bill Murray) goes through in coming to terms with his predicament could be pulled right out of classical psychology books!
Stay-at-home moms often feel the repetition of daily tasks mimicking
the movie “Groundhog Day.” (Watch the movie—you’ll understand!)
The never-ending clean-up, pick-up and wash-up that stay-at-home
moms do daily and often without a “thanks mom,” can leave a disheartened,
“what’s the point,” feeling. How do I
know? Let’s just say… “been there, done that.”
When I was a younger mother with preschoolers and toddlers
wrapped around my ankles, I would hear older women tell me (what I’m sure you’ve
been told) “love this season, they [the children] will grow up before you know
it!” At the time, I thought to myself,
“yeah-easy for you to say!” But, guess
It’s true.
Before you know it, they do grow up and it almost seems like
you were in a dream. All of the sudden; the home is a little emptier, there are
less dishes to wash, less food to purchase and smaller meals to prepare.
It hits you all at once—where did that time go?
The life of that child flashes before your eyes from the
moment you brought him home to the time he launched off on his own, and you
wonder—wow, how did that happen
so fast?
From a mom whose nest
is shrinking –
to moms whose nests
are filled with diapers, & toys --
I say this…
Each has its ups and downs. Joys and struggles. You’ll make plenty
of mistakes along the way, but owning up to them and being real with your kids
will speak volumes. Each of us as parents have a solemn responsibility to do
the best we can. Being a parent is the
Best Job on the Planet!
There is a saying on a billboard in the town I live that
“It is easier to raise
a child than to repair an adult.”
Moms and Dads, you have an awe-some responsibility to raise children
that will become capable, young adults who can launch out into the world ready
to take on what lies ahead!
The daily clean-up, pick-up, wash-up IS leading somewhere.
Teaching children how to clean a home with safe, non-toxic cleaning products and how to pick up after oneself is “Adulthood Class 100.” It is
learning personal responsibility at ground level. It is
imperative that your child is included (in an age appropriate manner) in
the everyday clean-up, pick-up and wash-up so those habits become his/her own!
Children who have daily/weekly household chores are more employable. I know of many first- hand accounts of
business owners who have hired teenagers to work in their establishments (entry
level jobs), but did not retain those young adults because they did not have
the basic skills of cleaning! Even when given instruction by their employers,
the teens thought cleaning was below themselves. Really? This should not be!
When you get discouraged with the mundane of the daily
chores, remind yourself that this season of toys and diapers, soccer balls,
softball gloves, ballet slippers and football helmets will not last forever.
Create margin in life so you can explore life! One of our popular
posts; “Set Your Weekends Free” gives details on how to develop green cleaning
habits that protect your weekends from being used as “catch-up” cleaning and
organizing days.
Creating margin gives you freedom to make lasting
memories. The times when you can look
back, and laughingly say, “remember when…”
-story shared by Brenda
Well said!