Monday, July 29, 2013

Organize Your Back-to-School

Could it possibly be that time of year already when kids head back to school? 
Why do summers fly by so quickly? 
 At any rate, you probably have your child’s back-to-school list handy and are heading out soon for supplies.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thoughtful Thursdays--On Vision

“I saw the angel in the marble and

carved until I set him free.”


Food for thought…

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wholesome Green Living: Understanding the Playing Field (Part 1)

When “green” was in its earliest beginnings, some may have believed “being green” was just a new craze; a fad that wouldn’t be around for very long.   Something to be identified with.  

However, with the research and data that continues to be conducted and collected, findings are showing the dangers of NOT living green.  There are dangers to our air quality, water quality, and personal health quality.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thoughtful Thursdays--On Relationships

“Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.”

                                           --Anthony J. D’Angelo


Food for thought from…

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Green Clean Your Pantry in Under an Hour!

Is your pantry is getting low on supplies?  Now would be a good time to give it a green clean before restocking it.

Clear shelves out and wipe down with Brightly Green Multi-Purpose Cleaner using a clean rag or microfiber cloth.  You could also fill your sink with soapy water using Brightly Green Hand Dish Wash.

Restocking your pantry in freshly green-cleaned shelves is a gift to yourself!
When giving your shelves a more thorough all natural clean, you can organize them where clutter is beginning to develop.  At least for me, my cupboards have a tendency to get somewhat disorganized over time.

(recent bulk foods purchased--placed in my green-clean pantry!)
Give yourself a pat on the back, and enjoy the rest of your day. 

I find that pacing myself in what I green-clean (doing a little every day), helps me to have time for outings with my family.  I know tomorrow the beach is calling us!

What eco-friendly cleaning project can you do under an hour’s time?

Save on shipping with our shipping deals going now on our Home Store Page!!

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Top Ten Reasons Gardening is a Good Green Family Project!

Growing up my parents always had a garden as did their parents.    A couple of years after I got married my husband and I started a garden of our own.  When children came into our lives, they began to help us in the garden too; the tradition lives on!

Nothing! And I mean nothing, tastes better than fresh tomatoes and lettuce right from the garden.  Our children always enjoyed running out to pick lettuce for supper, or zucchini to fry up in flour and butter. 
So what’s the big deal about gardening?? 

Here are my TOP TEN reasons gardening is a good green family project:

1. Get some FRESH AIR!  It’s good for you!

2.) Family bonding: when all are outside in the garden working together

3.) Physical Exercise:  Weeding, hoeing, raking, watering—all involves using muscles!

4.) Teaches responsibility:  Watering & Weeding are essential for crop production

5.) Teaches delayed gratification:  Growing produce takes time!

6.) Helps reduce boredom:  adds some structure to kids summer days

7.) Satisfaction of a job well done!  --when you place your produce on the table!

8.) A bountiful crop can be canned, frozen, or given to neighbors and friends:  teaching kids how to save and give away

9.) Creates family memories.

10.) Teaches your children a skill they will be able to use when they become adults!

Gardening Green-cleanup:

Wash-up with Baby Harmony Pure & Free Hand Soap, or use Brightly Green All Natural Dish Wash and a nail brush (dirt likes to get under fingernails).  Wash your gardening clothes with Brightly Green All Natural Laundry Wash! 

All natural foods and all natural cleaners go hand-in-hand!

 Treat your family to ice-cream at your local ice cream shop;
 topping off all the hot, hard work they did!

Is it too late to start a garden?

If you think it’s too late to plant, it is not!  In fact, you can find plants at greatly reduced prices.  Don’t wait too much longer, though, or there won’t be any left.

Just last week my kids and I planted a strawberry patch, and today raspberry bushes.  We will have very delayed gratification as these won’t be producing this year, but that’s ok.  We have great expectations for next year, and the year after that!

Garden tools needed:

A spade shovel, hand spade, hoe, garden rake, hose or watering can, gardening gloves (opt.)

A rototiller is a necessary piece of gardening equipment, especially if you decide to make your garden anywhere from 4-5ft. X 10-12ft.  We have never had a rototiller, but have had wonderful neighbors and friends who offered to till up our garden space. (Maybe you could borrow one from a friend or family member.)  I have heard of some who rented a rototiller from their local hardware store too.

Maybe digging up the ground is an overwhelming thought to you, or you simply don’t have ground to dig up; consider planter gardening. 

Give each of your children a decent-sized pot, some top soil and their choice (or yours) of what plant to stick in the pot.  Help them develop the habit of watering and weeding their potted plants.

Enjoy the summer and happy gardening!
--from Brightly Green All Natural Cleaners

picture at left:  our family strawberry patch

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Wholesome Green Living: All Natural IS Affordable

There is a myth that says all natural cleaners and
all natural anything, is too expensive.

Well, I would I have some counter ideas to that thought.

Hi, I’m Brenda and I am the social media writer for HG Labs.  Over the next several weeks we are going to be exploring various topics related to “Wholesome Green Living.”  I have never done anything quite like this and am not an expert, but a person who wants to promote green clean living and speak as a “regular mom” too.  Plus… I desire to learn and research these subjects to become more acquainted with the topics in this series.            

In this blog, I want to share 3 ways that it IS affordable to clean all naturally and eat all naturally!


Save $$ with concentrates:

Brightly Green All Natural Cleaning Concentrates are actually less expensive than most name brands…toxic or non-toxic!  The Brightly Green Concentrates are a real bargain.  You can purchase a Brightly Green empty labeled bottle and reuse it over and over.  So realistically the bottles would be pennies over time.

For example:  a 32oz. Brightly Green Bathroom Cleaner Concentrate at a ratio of 1:9 (one part concentrate to 9 parts water); equals 320ozs, or 2 ½ gallons of usable product.  That equals to $0.05 an ounce or $1.60 a bottle…using your water and reusing a bottle!

The average price of a “Ready to Use” product has a retail cost of $5.99/bottle.  So…purchasing Brightly Green concentrates=savings!

Save $$ with shipping:

Purchasing Concentrates means you are not paying for shipping water and therefore are saving on shipping costs. 

Right now you can get in on our FREE SHIPPING with any
Brightly Green Home Store purchase $40.00 or more!

Save $$ on reduced medical bills:

Cleaning with 100% all natural cleaning products means you are not inhaling toxic fumes and therefore are protecting your respiratory system, and endocrine system from potentially harmful effects.  (In another blog we will look more specifically at the health concerns posed by toxins.) Protecting your health will help you to stay healthier longer, helping to reduce medical expenses.

Brightly Green All Natural Concentrates are BOTH eco-friendly & economical!


Someone once told me that they could not afford to eat healthy.  I was at first shocked by that statement—how could you NOT;  I thought to myself! 

Eliminate junk foods and sodas:

Fruits and vegetables are quite filling and satisfying!  If you feel you need a salty snack, make your own trail mix, purchase pita chips.   Eat more of the fruits & vegetables first; you’ll desire less of the other.  Change to drinking iced teas; they are healthier and less expensive. Eliminate unnecessary costs by eliminating or greatly reducing junk foods & sodas.

Buy foods IN SEASON:  It is simply cheaper!! 

Buy your foods at a local farmers market, bulk food store or co-op:

I have found bulk food stores to have deals that main grocery stores can’t compete with.  You just have to be prepared with appropriate storage for those goods.  Also, consider this general rule of thumb; the less distance your produce has to travel, the more you save in costs!

YES YOU CAN, economically clean your home all naturally with Brightly Green Concentrates!

YES YOU CAN, economically, eat all natural foods.  So what’s stopping you?!

(planting my own blueberry bush--
another way to $ave!)

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Fourth of July!

Have a safe and wonderful holiday

(photo by Jonathan--
grandson of Sharron, founder & President of Brightly Green
--fireworks off  Lake Michigan, in Pentwater, MI)


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