Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wholesome Green Living: Optimizing Stress

Does the word “stress” make you cringe inside?  Stress is not portrayed as something we want to have.  Countless medical research shows how stress has a negative & harmful effect on our bodies. 

However…not ALL stress is bad!!  According to psychologist, Dr. Douglas Kleiber; “To be happy you need a little stress.”

Friday, August 23, 2013

Three Reasons to Pitch Your Anti-bacterial Soaps & Hand Saniziters!

First:  About anti-bacterial sanitizersThey do not rid your hands of dirt.  Bacteria may be killed but the dirt doesn’t disappear.

Secondly:  Chemical particles that have flaked off of things you touch or have been floating in the air attach themselves to dirt, so chances are; you may still have chemicals on your hands

Thirdly:  Using anti-bacterial soaps may create a resistance in your body to antibiotics when you need them to fight off infections. The problem chemical is triclosan; found in most anti-bacterial soaps.  The American Medical Association recommends that soaps containing triclosan not be used in homes.  

To learn more about triclosan check out the following sources: 

Hello, I am Brenda, a concerned mother of three and I don’t want to use soaps that pose potential risks to my children.  We have already made wonderful changes by switching to all natural, non-toxic cleaning products and are breathing the benefits of those changes!  Furthermore, we have made more efforts to eat all natural and organic foods where possible; again finding ourselves to be healthier individuals!  We are now making the conscious efforts to use all natural body care products—all natural hand soaps were our family’s first step in the all-natural body care direction.

We are VERY PLEASED to be using Baby Harmony All Natural Hand Soap!  In fact, our daughter, who gets seasonal eczema, had fewer problems last winter due to our switch to Baby Harmony All Natural Hand Soap! 

Brightly Green Customers—Baby Harmony, a sister company to Brightly Green, is also offered on Brightly Green’s Home Store Page.  It’s a One-Stop Place to Shop for your entire all-natural, non-toxic cleaners AND Baby Harmony All Natural Hand Soap! 

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Five Family Fun Activites for Labor Day Weekend!

Are you traveled out? 

Why not end what is considered to be the last great “hoorah” of the summertime in the comfort of your own backyard?

Here are our top five picks for Labor Day Fun at home:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wholesome Green Living: Understanding the Playing Field (Part Two)

Ever noticed more and more organic food choices being available at your local grocery store?  Have you tried organic foods?  What’s the big deal about organic food anyway?

If you have been on the fence about whether or not to choose organic foods, I hope this blog will be of help to you! 
First of all, we need to clarify some terms; understand the playing field. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Green Your Back-to-College

We can’t leave out this important group of students when we talk about going “back-to-school”!

Whether packing up for college is old hat or your first time; preparing for this transition in life can feel overwhelming.

Let us suggest a few college green clean items you won’t want to leave home without!

Thoughtful Thursdays--Attitude

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

                                 -Zig Ziglar


Food for thought…

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