Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Create Margin --Through Prioritization

Last month we began a series: Creating Margin.  I encourage you to read the first installment, "Create Margin through Busting Time-Wasters." 

I hear quite often from friends and acquaintances alike how they do not have enough time.  So many conversations begin with:  "I don’t have time to__________",  If only I had the time to ________", "If only there were more hours in a day I would__________."  You may have started a sentence with one or more of those phrases; I know I have.
So what do we do about "time?" 
We cannot collect more of it-- it' is a fixed reality.

Before jumping in to unpacking that question, let's review what creating margin is about.

Creating Margin is…
… in my opinion, creating space in your day/week to unwind, relax, do something for yourself, enjoy your family without pressures of deadlines.  It can also be, room to think through ideas and process introspectively.  It is playing a game with my family or watching a movie.  It is going to the beach for an outing with friends and their kids (when it warms up!)  To sum it up; it's creating space in your day/week for what you enjoy doing!

So what about "Time"… 
Since Tiime is a fixed reality that we cannot get more of, then we are the ones who need to make the changes. 

Too many of us have way too much on our plates.  Though our intentions are good, we live our lives on overload, and are always "running out of time." 

What do we need to do:
We need to reign in our activities and set priorities for our time. 

Consider doing the following exercise:
On a sheet of paper, list the activities you typically do each day of the week.
On another sheet of paper write down what you would like to do if you had "margin" in your life.

Look back at your list of daily activities and prioritize it!
A Hint:  Focus on what only you can do.

Learn to delegate things to other people.
Learn to "say no," in order to create space; margin.

Doing these exercises consistently will help you get on the road to creating margin!

Brightly Green--keeping it green clean and real! 

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