Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Grow Your Green Business Through Three Simple Questions

How would you complete the following sentence?

"If only I had more____________."

If you said "time", welcome to the club! 

Through many conversations I have with people, "time" is what they 99% of the time (no pun intended) seem to run out of.
I have another question for you!  If a genie granted you the wish of having more time, how would you use that time?

Now be specific!  Saying, "I would grow my business." –is too general.  In what way would you grow your green business? 
One way to grow your business is to take the time for reflective evaluations.  (Schedule 45 minutes to one hour for this evaluation.) 

You are a busy, business minded individual, keep your cutting edge through prioritizing reflective evaluations. This can be as simple as a PECC Survey (Personal/Employee/Client-Customer Survey)

Personal Survey:
WHAT:  What am I doing?
WHY:  Why am I doing what I am doing?
HOW:  How can I improve____________?

(Don't forget to include personal renewal time and meaningful time with your family? Perhaps that is an area for improvement?)

Employee Survey (your view of your employees):
WHAT:  What are my employees doing?
WHY:  Why are they doing what they are doing?
HOW:  How can I improve their experience working for me? **

**Note:  The question did not ask, "How can I improve their productivity?"  Your employees are people.  Yes, you hired them to help you grow your business, but can you help them grow as personal individuals?  You can in the way you respect them for who they are and for how they help your team!

Client Survey (your view of your client):
WHAT:  What is my client's/customer's perspective of my business?
WHY:  Why should my client/customer remain loyal?
HOW:  How can I my business improve their lives? **

**Note:  Your business can improve a person's life when you take the time to view that client/customer as an individual, not as 'your next job" or "as revenue".  Take a few moments to ask them how they are doing-- with sincerity. Find ways to go "the extra mile"—simply because they matter!

We at Brightly Green Cleaners celebrate YOU!
THANK YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE and how you are growing a green, responsible business!
We wish you continued success in your endeavors!

Please Leave a comment and a link to your Blog and or website!

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