Saturday, July 23, 2016

21 Day Challenge for a Greener Clean Home: Part Three

Experts say that it takes twenty-one days for a task/routine to become a habit.  Green clean and clutter free homes don't happen overnight!  This installment in our series focuses on forming positive habits that will simplify your life and manage your environment.

Take a few minutes to consider the following…

If you could picture the "perfect" home environment, what do you see?
What steps could you take now that will get you there in twenty-one days?  If that is too soon of a goal, what one step could you accomplish in the next twenty-one days?  Then after that step, what would be the next one for the next twenty-one days?

What one project, if you could accomplish, would be monumental? What steps within the next twenty-one days will get you there?

What is the number one frustration about your home environment?  What step(s) could you take so that by the end of the next twenty-one days, you will have eliminated that frustration? 

Do you see a pattern going on?  Picturing the end point (the finish line) and working backwards within a twenty-one day period can set you on the right foot!  Complete what you see finished in your mind's eye.

We all have dreams of doing this or that, but it is often the challenge to take those dreams and turn them into reality.  Allowing yourself twenty-one days to form new habits of accomplishing goals will get you on the track for greater dreaming and greater accomplishments ahead!

Keep the right perspective throughout the twenty-one days by staying balanced in all areas of your life, including staying focused with your green cleaning routines.

Brightly Green your dream-accomplished home! 

Brightly Green Cleaners—sustainable cleaners complimenting sustainable lifestyles!

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