Saturday, February 29, 2020

One Simple Step to Gain 20/20 Vision for 2020

I love the irony in the year 2020.  It invokes a desire for vision and clarity, don’t you think?  20/20 vision (in the U.S.) is not perfection but the standard of measurement for vision clarity. Many of us, however, don’t seem to have 20/20 vision without the help of aids such as: glasses, contact lenses or corrective eye surgery. 

If our eyes need help getting to the mark of 20/20 vision clarity; then perhaps our businesses need some help as well.

Could you use more time/focus/energy for your green business to gain 2020 vision?  Your starting point may be as simple as the quick fix your electronic devices need from time to time.

How many times in the past year have you had to unplug your router? How many times have you had to power down, and unplug your computer then restart it?  Computers, routers and cell phones run on an operating system that sometimes crashes.  Why do they crash? For various reasons; a virus, too many tabs running, overheating, or other reasons. 

Why are we told to actually unplug the device and wait for 10 or 30 seconds before plugging it back in?  Is there magic behind counting for a few seconds?  Well, it’s not magic, but scientific. There are tiny batteries called capacitors inside the device that hold power for a few seconds after the electronic device has been turned off!  These few extra seconds of “life” allow some tabs to shut down.  Therefore, unplugging your computer, router, or cellphone and waiting a few seconds longer before plugging the unit in allows for the capacitors to also shut down.

With a system completely shut down, it can have some time to cool down, if it was overheating. The device can have time to reboot from all the pages and tabs that were open and running which may have caused it to crash.

Why am I going it to some length to explain the reason behind unplugging your electronic devices?  

Because in ways we are similar to our computers. 

We can have “too many tabs open” causing us to “crash.”  We can catch viruses that slow us to a crawl.

You and I need to be unplugged too.

Chances are 100% that you will need more than 30 seconds before you can reboot.  Would at least 30 minutes a day to the trick?  Perhaps you need more time.  Maybe one day a week or one afternoon/evening per week is needed for you to reboot.

An unplugged life resets:

Any of those attributes sound like they would help move your business forward? 

A personal story from Brenda:

About three months ago, my husband and I cancelled our satellite service.  Before the cancellation, we had the service on an “on hold” status through our server.  They suggested we do a trial period of three months, to be sure we could handle “pulling the plug.”  The “on hold” status reduced our $50.00+ bill per month to $5.00 per month.  After the three month “on hold” trial, we were still convinced that we wanted to remove our satellite service, so we did.

It was not that we were unhappy with the satellite company we had, on the contrary, they were always good!  We just decided that being unplugged from constant news (which was our main use of the satellite service) would be better for us.  Now, instead of watching the news over dinner, we listen to instrumental music and enjoy soft candlelight.  Our cell phones are turned off and our conversations are more engaging and meaningful.  As a bonus, the money we spent on our satellite service we now but toward our investments.

Our quiet dinners give us time to share about our day and have margin—space.  Rather than being tired after dinner, I have a little more energy to wrap up some household green cleaning and projects before heading off to bed!

We have 24 hours a day.  No more. No less. 

Maybe the energy and focus you need to get the 20/20 vision for your business and move it in that direction NEEDS TO come through unplugging yourself first!  Just for a bit so you can rebootJ

Are you a green cleaning company looking for quality all-natural cleaners at wholesale prices and sizes?  Look no further than Brightly Green!  We have products for all surfaces at wholesale prices and sizes!

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