Thursday, November 10, 2011

HG Labs Holiday Planning Guide Countdown

This is also our two week countdown to Thanksgiving Day!

If you have been following along you know the first thing you should do is check your budget and if you need to adjust it, do so now.

Thanksgiving Plans:  If you are hosting Thanksgiving refer to your recipes, decorations and accommodations for guests and family.  Many families find they are traveling to several relatives and friends on Thanksgiving Day.  If you will not be the host, plan for some eco-friendly travel tips you will find below!  Make this a special time with family and friends that everyone will be thankful for years to come!

Thanksgiving is an American holiday full of wonderful traditions.  Why not include some eco-friendly and green traditions this year!  In your HG Labs Holiday Notebook keep some of your original Thanksgiving traditions and add some new eco-friendly traditions too!

Here are a few tips to make your Thanksgiving holiday even more meaningful!  A green Thanksgiving can make you, your family, and everyone's experience even more thankful.

Thanksgiving - Give Thanks:  The first Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims celebrating and giving thanks for their life in America.  Take time to count your blessings and share what you are thankful for with your family and friends.  Also, take time to say thank you to the people you most care about.  If you are unable to be together call and send them an eco-friendly e-card.

Eco-friendly Decorations:  Start a family tradition by making your own decorations.  Use construction paper for a family project of Pilgrims and Indians for decorations you will adore for years.

The Three Eco-Friendly R's:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:  Your HG Labs Planning Notebook can help you reduce waste by buying only what you need.  Look for packages that can be recycled.  Take reusable bags when you go shopping.  Using cloth napkins will not only tell your guests they are special, it will save excess throwaway paper.

Have your recycle bins readily available for your guests and mark them so they will know what goes where.  Recycle paper, plastic, glass and aluminum.  Consider a compost bin for your leftovers.  Great for your garden next spring too!

Go Organic and Buy Local:  Organic food is better for you and also is better for the environment.  Organic food does not use antibiotics, pesticides, fertilizers as well as artifical hormones and is healthier for you.  Using locally grown food tastes better and is also better for your local economy.  When possible support local farmers as well as local merchants.

Thanksgiving Eco-friendly Travel Tips:  Before traveling double check your auto to be sure your tires are properly inflated and that your car is in good working order and will create fewer emissions.  Carpool when possible to reduce the number of cars on the road.

Green Cleaning:  This week give your living room or great room a good going over.  Use our Brightly Green Multi-Purpose, Brightly Green Carpet Spot Remover, and Brightly Green Wood Floor Cleaner for a sparkling clean non-toxic, pet friendly and kid friendly surface.  Go through each room for 15 to 20 minutes to keep up with the rest of your cleaning.

Check out our 10% off all Brightly Green products + Free Shipping + Home Sweet Home gift... just to help you get ready for a toxic-free Holiday and to say thank you to you from all of us at Brightly Green!

Next Week:  Final Thanksgiving Preparations and a special Eco-Friendly surprise to say "Thank You" to all of you!  Please continue to send us ideas and recipes.  We love them!  Send to or better yet leave your idea in the comment area below.  I will be sharing your tips and traditions in next week's blog post.

Remember to send us your favorite holiday recipe or tradition!

Please Leave a comment and a link to your Blog and or website!


  1. Always and interesting read. Budget is very important, and if you cannot afford it don't get it. Rather be financial stable rather than not paying your bills and putting food on the table.

    I have been making some unique recycled and eco-friendly Christmas gifts. Come check them out!
    Brightly Green Products will be an excellent way to keep the house clean and safe while the kids and pets are under foot.

  2. Many of my friends and I carpool home together or set up a carpool group for the holidays. It cuts down on the stress a bit, there’s less traffic, and you save a bit of money for Black Friday! It’s a lot easier to find carpools than most people think too because of all the websites available.

    I've tried Craigslist and eRideshare, but one of my favorites is It's easy to post rides or find commutes. They even host holiday give-aways, such as a free $25 gas card for people who successfully set-up a carpool for the week of Thanksgiving. I would definitely recommend giving any of the above sites a try!

  3. Great information! Thanks Sharron


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