Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Help! I'm Wiped Out and its Only Wednesday!

Hit pause for a moment and consider this:

Abraham Lincoln appeared to be wasting time when he was seen leaning against a tall tree just sharpening his ax.  When asked why he wasn’t working, he replied to the effect, I will get more done with a sharpened ax than a dull one.

If you are feeling wiped out and run down (or more like run over!) maybe you are trying to accomplish too much with a dull ax!

Just stop.

Sharpen your ax.  

Sharpen YOU!

Maybe it means saying “No” to another project.
Maybe it means saying “No” to running your child to another activity.
Maybe it means saying “No” to taking your work home.

Where do you need renewal?

Can Grandma or Grandpa come over for the weekend and watch the kids while you get some along time away?  Perhaps the kiddos can go to Grandma & Grandpa’s house!

You are NOT a failure.  You want to accomplish so much and give so much to your family or to your job that at times you take on too much. 

Sharpening you, means taking time for margin and reflection to gain the right perspective which in turn will move you forward in a healthy manner! 

You need to be healthy for YOU, your family & your work.

Do this quick exercise—NOW:

Jot down right what immediately comes to your mind that you are most overwhelmed by.
Just name two –for now.
Find some time today (if you can’t right now) to think of the steps you need to take to reduce or eliminate the overwhelm.

Then FOLLOW THROUGH with those steps!

Evaluate yourself next within the next couple weeks to see how it’s going. 

Change begins with a first step!

Please Leave a comment and a link to your Blog and or website!

1 comment:

  1. I believe you wrote this for me, my friend.
    Thank you for a moment for the overwhelmed.


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